Monday 17 November 2014

From The Mouths of Babes

My two boys come up with the most interesting statements or questions all the time and I rarely ever document them but really I should! ;)

Here are some of the crackers from this weekend and today:

While on a walk, we pass a couple possibly in their late 60's.
Francis: 'Well, it's nice they're on a walk but where are their lovely boys?'

After Skyping with Grammy and Grandpa in America.
Francis: 'All I want to know now is: does Grammy have Green Lantern (the superhero) underpants?'
Me: 'Well, I don't think so, but you can ask her next time we talk.'
Dylan: 'I'll do it!'

While flipping through a Grazia magazine.
Francis: 'Oh no Mummy!'
Me: 'What's that sweetheart?'
Francis: 'They forgot to put you in!'

My Super Francis

After dropping Francis off at school.
Dylan: 'I go to school Mummy, I am big and long!'

While playing in the lounge.
Me: 'Francis, come here sweatheart.'
Francis: 'You can no longer call me Francis. I am now Super Francis!'
Dylan: 'Yeah me too!'
Me to Dylan: 'You can't be Super Francis. Francis is. You can be Super Dylan.'
Dylan: 'Yeah...Of course!'

My Super Dylan

Ah, they sometimes run circles round me but they do keep me laughing. :)

Have a good one! 

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